HES-IE EES can help you Save Energy and Money – Call us today at 860-580-9076 to begin the process.

EES can help building owners, condo associations, and renters find the best ways to save energy and money. We will complete an inspection of your property and provide a free estimate for all potential energy saving measures. We will connect you with state financing for upgrades and support you through the application process. If there are programs to support your energy upgrades will we connect you with the right resources to save you money. Then you choose the measures you are ready to upgrade. We offer Insulation, HVAC, Windows, Solar and more. Call us to learn how you start saving money and energy today.

Energy Efficiencies Solutions of CT provides weatherization programs FREE to qualified households and multifamily properties.  These programs are offered to both renters, homeowners, and property managers and are funded by the energy efficiency fund.  We are here to help you through the energy efficiency upgrade process.

Just a few of the CORE energy saving services that a renter and/or homeowner can potentially receive are:

  • Installation of weathers stripping and door sweeps
  • Interior caulking around all window and doors
  • Installation of low flow shower-heads and aerators
  • Insulation of attics, sidewall and/or basement ceilings (after approval by Utilities with state incentives)
  • Repair (or replacement) of windows (after approval by Utilities with state incentives)
  • Cleaning, tuning, testing and repairing of heating systems
  • Replacement of incandescent lighting with LEDs
  • Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detectors
  • Blower Door Guided Air- sealing
  • Access to other rebates, financing, and incentives

Are You Eligible?

Income Guidelines for the 2024–2025

To determine if you are income-eligible for 2024-2025, locate your family size on the chart on the right and the corresponding dollar amount. If your family’s combined Gross Annual Income is this amount or less, you meet the state’s 60 percent income median, and qualify for the service.

How Does the HES-IE Program Work?

Your HES-IE Assessment and Upgrades Process

  1. Applying for Services – Call EES at 860-580-9076 to get started today! The home owner or renter submits a request for HES-IE services, the renter or owner completes an application and completes the qualification process. Download the application (English: 2023-2024 HES-IE Customer Application or Spanish: Spanish 2023-2024 HES-IE Customer Application).  We are available between 9 am and 5 pm to answer any questions.
  2. Making your appointment – EES will contact the owner/ renter and set up a time come to your home and install core services, complete a safety walk through, and identify and document additional services you may qualify for through the state programs.
  3. Your HES-IE Appointment Day – Core services will be installed on your HES-IE  appointment date.  NOTE: If safety issues such as Mold, Asbestos, or high CO are found in the home then we may need to visit your home a second time. We also may refer you for additional services to address building safety or heating and cooling safety problems.
  4. What is Installation of core services? During Core HES-IE Services EES will complete the following: Safety walk through, blower door  testing, testing of your heating and cooling equipment, testing and resetting of your water heater, air-sealing, water saving measures, lighting review and replacement of incandescent bulbs, insulation review, data collection, and upgrades assessments.
  5. Your home energy report – EES will document findings and core assessment and services results in a report which is provided to the renter, homeowner or landlord, and the Utility partner for review. EES will send the home owner a report with suggested upgrades and quotes for additional work needed such as insulation, windows, or other energy saving measures and program incentives.
  6. Additional Services – Once the core HES-IE services and quotes for additional work have been received. A proposal for any additional work will be reviewed and approved by the utility partner.
  7. Review of proposed upgrades – EES will call the customer to review the upgrades, incentive levels, and any possible co-pays required from the customer. The homeowner will decide if they wish to proceed with the additional work, accept the recommended upgrades, and agree to co-pays and incentive levels which are determined by utilities. EES and the homeowner will schedule time to complete the work.
  8. Billing – Once all additional work is completed and all upgrades are installed the project will be billed to the utilities for payment.


HES-IE is supported by the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund, a partnership among Connecticut Light and Power, United Illuminating Company, Yankee Gas Services Company, Connecticut Natural Gas Company, and Southern Connecticut Gas Corporation, the state of Connecticut and local Community Action Agencies.